
bam : www.BelgianAviationNews.be : latest news, special future airshow


Video: "Spectaculaire voltige aérienne au meeting de la Ferté-Alais" (05/16/2012 01:16)
Spectaculaire voltige aérienne au meeting de la Ferté-Alais Plus sur http://wizdeo.com/s/telessonne Un superbe spectacle au meeting aérien de la Ferté-Alais, avec attaques aériennes,...

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Video: "Flying Legends Air Show 2012 Trailer" (05/16/2012 01:15)
Flying Legends Air Show 2012 Trailer This is a trailer for the 2012 Flying Legends Air Show at Duxford Airfield in Cambridgeshire, UK. The show will be held on Saturday 30th June and...

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Event : Tailwheel Meet en opendeur Phoenix 2012 Geraardsbergen (EBGG) August 4 & 5th, 2002 (05/16/2012 01:14)
Thx Dirk www.tailwheelmeet.com

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Video Sopwith 1B2 Strutter first take-off (05/16/2012 01:12)
First flight of the Sopwith Strutter out of the workshop of Memorial Flight. For sure the star of the coming La Ferté Alais airshow

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